Sunday, April 12, 2009

Ego Trip

While driving home from a long day of work and classes, I happened across an interview of the actor Billy Bob Thornton and his band. I thought the whole thing was ridiculous but apparently it made news:

More news out of British Columbia, actor-slash-drummer Billy Bob Thornton took umbrage at Canadian Broadcasting Company interviewer Jian Ghomeshi Wednesday when Ghomeshi did the unthinkable: introducing him and his band, The Boxmasters, by making reference to Thornton's award-winning career.
First Thornton turned turned sullen. Then he gets petulant at the notion that his hillbilly music was "a hobby." Then he calls out his first love, some poor girl named Lisa. The painful interview goes downhill from there. And finally, while his bandmates look decidedly sheepish, Thornton sticks it to Canadian audiences as "mashed potatoes, no gravy."
Billy Bob just pouts and clams up for the first half of the interview, but it all comes out about halfway through when Ghomeshi asks him whether he had a passion for music as a kid. After all, would you ask that question of Tom Petty?
The Province has a video of the interview right
here. Watch and miss that Sling Blade fella.

I listened to the interview and in this blogger's humble opinion, it appeared that Mr. Thornton had a bad case of "ego trip" which can afflict many celebrities. Although this problem is not unheard of, it is without a doubt, unacceptable from people who as professionals are required to promote their latest endeavors. Yes, the Joaquin Phoenix/Letterman debacle was entertaining and perplexing at the same time but a repeat by the likes of another actor-turned-musician is no longer entertaining. My recommendation is to listen to the interview and decide for yourself whether behavior such as this is acceptable.

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